Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Teacher Week: Classroom Digs!

Let's just start with a picture...

Yep. That was a mere 11 days ago.

9 days ago it looked like this!

Oh No! So much worse! But as the saying goes... It always looks worse before it looks better! And it did. It took me 6 full days to get it altogether and it is finally done :...almost ) Woo Hoo! Have a look! P.S. I used my phone to take pics :( Be warned... lol

guided reading area- my read alouds are hidden behind the curtain
behind my guided reading table- thank Abby M. for the cute posters! I'll be putting the kids' pictures on the green board.

My desk area and calendar zone. There will also be a weather graph and number/ word of the day

where I put our spelling and vocabulary

sounds and letters :) DO you have to hang these? They take up SO MUCH SPACE!

listening center- I have three cd players and three different books :) Journals go in the baskets and those are our rhythm sticks!

The library!

math manipulatives- some are here, others are stored in the closet

Toolbox ( our character education program) and small group game storage

our computer center (I'll probably hang some fabric around the front of those tables to hide the cords) and where I hang art work

One of our workstations- that is the 1st set of task cards hanging below- I'll have a post on that next week :)

Our writing center (papers, pens, date stamps etc...)  is just above our independent reading book boxes

Where I hang writing and two other workstations
And their desks- I didn't take a whole class pic, because they are still a mess! I have all their things stacked, waiting to get my kids names so I can label!

Well there you have it! I hope you enjoyed the tour :)

Don't forget to stop by Blog Hoppin' to check out other fab rooms!


  1. Your room looks awesome! I'm slowly but surely plugging along in mine! :)

    Carried Away in... K!

  2. Nice Word Wall. I like the colors in your room, very calming.

    I am a new follower of your blog.

    The Very Busy Classroom

  3. How many students do you have in your class?

  4. I have 21 kiddos... but I am set up for 22 :) Just in case!
