Friday, July 20, 2012

This Is the Way We Go to School!

In a bus, car... by foot?


I read this book every year during the first weeks of school. It came with my social studies program when I was student teaching and I have been using it ever since. It is fun book that talks about all of the different ways kids can get to school... I mean EVERY way possible! The kids always love when we reach the part about arriving by helicopter, lol.

So with that book in mind and the beginning of the year just around the corner (seriously... it's right there... don't look...) I decided to make a mini unit to go along with the book :)

Take a peek...


the included text-to-self craftivity
It includes: 2 math centers, 2 literacy centers, two whole class activities and a text to self craftivity! And you can pick it up HERE if you are interested!

In other news... I am finally going on VACATION! Summer break is almost over, but I am squeezing in a week of relaxation 6 hours from here in a wonderful rented house (thanks to the hub's parents)! So excited!

Since I will be gone I did a TON of work in my room this past week. Here's a couple of progress pics (sorry- phone pics)...

that small purple one will be for math tubs... don't have a header or numbers yet... I mentioned they were progress pics right? :)

yes... I forgot the "the" at home and it didn't get laminated

Have a wonderful week and Ill see you in 7 days!

1 comment:

  1. Love your room! It's looking great!

    Your packet is cute too...unfortunately, my school is a smaller Charter school so we don't have busses. All of our kids travel by car for the most part. I would say less than 15 in the whole building walk....BUT, if I was at a school with busses, I would LOVE your packet!

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!
