Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Happenings...

I am LOVING my time off! I will be honest, normally I am not a fan of summer vacation. There is a lot of down time which usually leads to shopping, which I totally love, but my pocket book doesn't. lol

So I have been trying to keep the spending low by doing some crafting. Take a look at what I made...

This hall pass sign was inspired by the fab. Amy Lemons! How genius to use a clothes pin instead of a pass. This can clip right to their shirt and never touch their hands (because how do you really know they washed...) I added the ribbon tabs because the wood I had on hand was too thick for the clothespins. And the back has two screw hooks so I can hang it right next to the door :)

And I made some crate seats! I have been wanting to make these since last September, but never got around to it.... but thank you summer!! These were super easy. I looked and looked for a cute table cloth to use so that it would be wipe-able, but I couldn't find one with my classroom color scheme. So off to Jo-Ann Fabrics. I found the fabric, the vinyl, and the foam... plus I had a 40% off coupon, SCORE! After a little cutting and a million staples they're done! The will be great in my classroom library!

I have also been planning... I will be teaching Treasures this year, which is new to me, and it uses a form of workstations. So I went to "my gal" Debbie and have been furiously reading this book to gather my workstation ideas.

Super informational...  and I am putting together a workstation pack freebie that should be finished on Tuesday. So make sure to check back!

I have been doing pretty well and getting to the things on my Summer Bucket List. But, the Mr. and I won't be going camping this summer (giant sad face). We just can't make it fit in. So we have been exploring our own county and its plethora of state and regional parks for some day trips, hiking and picnics :)This was our latest trip to see a local waterfall :)

Happy Sunday everyone :)


  1. Love your combination of color you used for your crate seats. I made some last summer and absolutely love them. I'm thinking about adding a different fabric on top of my old one ... if I can find something to go with my theme.

  2. I love how you made the crate seats with the vinyl!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. Ok I love so many things and I barely scratched the surface of your blog! The clothes pin idea... BRILLANT! And the crate seats... totally awesome!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Tori's Teacher Tips
