We read the Cat and the Hat and did these cats to go along with it...
I love this project and so do the kiddos! |
Who doesn't love to stay inside to play Just Dance on a rainy day!?! |
Earlier in the week I did a few activities with my ELDers, too! We read There's a Wocket in my Pcoket, made our own wockets and then worked on position words in statements.
Here's our anchor chart... we also made a board list of all the position words we could think of... |
The kids worked in partners. One kiddo put their wocket somewhere and their partner had to say where it was using one of our position words... This one was..."There's a wocket on the tiger."
I also snapped a pic of this one which I thought was funny..."There's a wocket under the scissors."
And we read Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? We mapped all of the sound words we could think of and the practiced asking and answering questions to each other. "I can quack like a duck. Can you?" "Yes I can, Quack, Quack." The kids had to ask six others including myself. As they answered a questions they wrote down their name on the askee's paper... You can pick up the name recording sheet HERE!
And we capped off the week with Green Eggs and Ham! I saw this on pinterest and decided to go for it... way better than the scrambled eggs! The kids were all kinds of grossed out(one kiddo was positive it was lime ice cream inside of the egg and refused to eat it.... I had to do a lot convincing to get EVERYONE to at least try it) and the then they were in love after they tasted it!
Tons of green food coloring for the deviled eggs and ham cut with a star shaped cookie cutter on top! |
Excitedly waiting... except for one... Do you see lime ice cream boy? His face is priceless! |
Get this page HERE! |
And last but not least I gave each kiddo a giant Seuss eraser that I scored from the target dollar spot way back in September!
Yea! You made it! I hope you had an amazing week also! I'll be back soon with some March freebies... Have a fantastic weekend!
Love the Cat in the Hat and the writing!!
First Grade Blue SKies
Love all the Seuss fun and those bright Seuss colors! Looks like y'all had a great time!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
Your Cat in the Hat craft is TOO cute!!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
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