Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Next week will be penguins week and I wanted to share one of the penguin projects that we'll be doing. We will absolutely be reading one of my favorite books Tacky the Penguin. LOVE HIM!


So, to go along with the book is this craft...

I haven't decided whether or not to do wiggle eyes instead... what do you think? In any case, construction paper and scrapbook pages will make up the rest of Tacky and the kids will be writing to go along with it! I will post pics next week when the kiddos have made theirs.

But, in case you were looking for another penguin craft... below is the pattern for my Tacky the Penguin. Have fun! And... if you end up using the pattern, let me know! I'd love to know how your kids liked it.


  1. So cute! Tacky the Penguin is my favorite!!!

    1st Grade Rocks

  2. Thank you for sharing this super cute idea! I am a new follower! I am loving your 1st grade ideas!

    I am a 1st grade teacher too and have TONS and TONS of *freebies*! I would love for you to come follow me and grab LOTS of penguin *freebies* while you are there! =)

