Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Polar Express December Quilt

On Friday we got to do our December quilt. December's is one of my favorites because it teams up with The Polar Express, such a Christmas classic. I use the polar express all month long because we "ride the polar express" for our holiday party before break. The kiddos get hot cocoa with candy cane stirs, cookies, and they get to watch the movie. I am definitely considering letting them wear their pjs this year...

OK, back to the quilt...

We read the story and talk about the first gift of Christmas.Then the kids write what they would ask Santa for if they got to receive the first gift of Christmas. Usually they all pick a DS... a DS, really? But this year I has some new and more creative requests; a watch, heart stickers, a gold coin, a clock etc..

Then we make the train quilt square. I pre-cut the the train, they glue and bubble cut on red, use a pencil in paint to add falling snow, stretch two cotton balls for the ground snow, I hot glue a yarn bow to the train and I add their school picture where the conductors window would be.

I love this book for so many reasons, it is great to share it with my class. Do you do The Polar Express?

Oh and the link to Santa-Tree will be posted soon :)!
Happy Saturday!


  1. Very cute train quilt! Love all the little extras that make it even more special. We are having our Polar Express Day (pajamas included) on Thursday.

    First Grade Delight

  2. omgosh - I LOVE this idea - I may "steal" it! I love doing quilts with my class

    ♥ Jen Ross
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  3. I love your quilt would make a really cute "real" quilt too...if only we had the time. I have named you for the Liebster Blogging award, hop on over to read all about it!

  4. Hiii! I am giving you an award! Come on over to my blog to pick it up!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

    PS. Loving all your ideas!!

  5. Very cute you have the train and ornament writing template available? I would love to try this with my class.
