Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Thank You :)

Thanks to sweet ol' Marcy over at Buzzin' on Cupcakes in 1st grade, I have been awarded the Blog on Fire Award! So to play by the rules, here are seven things about me and few blogs to check out...

1. I love cold, winter weather! It doesn't happen too often in Cali, so when we get it, I relish in the crispness of it all.

2. I am an avid crafter... cards, scrapbooks, and my latest adventure holiday decorations.

3. My husband and I desperately want a dog, but feel bad to keep him cooped up in an apartment all day.

4. Red is my favorite color! I mean ALL TIME FAVORITE! One Christmas when I was young I actually requested RED THINGS from Santa!

5. I am addicted to the DVR. Who knew life could be so blissful without commercials?

6. I want to visit every national park before I die... hello bucket list!

7. I love Disneyland, especially at the holidays!

Alrighty, you now know 7 random tidbits about me. Here are a few blogs I have come to adore:

The Teacher's Cauldron
Color Me Happy in Kindergarten
Pencils, Glue, and Tying Shoes
Rowdy in First Grade

Have fun checking them out! Stay tuned for some weather and cloud activities!

1 comment:

  1. aw - thanks for making me one of your blogs to mention!

    and I LOVE RED too!! It's such a versatile fave combos are red, white, and teal or red, white, and black.
    and we barely get the cold over here in FL too - so I am LOVING that my back door is open right now and I'm not dying!
